Application Review

To be considered for admission to the Graduate School at UNC Charlotte, applicants must complete a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university or its equivalent if not from the United States.

Staff in the Office of Graduate Admissions will assemble your application file. After you submit the online application by the posted deadlines, an electronic message will confirm whether or not the submission was successful. Graduate Admissions staff will subsequently begin processing your application, determine whether the supplemental application materials (test scores, transcripts, etc.) have been received, update your application status accordingly, and email you when an initial status is assigned.

The application status reflects one of the various stages of processing and review an application may incur; note that many applications will only have some of the statuses listed. Note that it is your responsibility to check the status of your application periodically using the Application Portal to ensure that required documents have been received. Incomplete applications will not be considered for admission or may ultimately be denied admission.

Once the application file is complete, it is referred to the Graduate Program Director of the academic program for review. Many programs use Admissions Committees to review applications, although the Graduate Program Director has the authority to render admissions recommendations. Applications are reviewed holistically, with a person’s work experience and academic background considered with the potential for scholarly success at the graduate level (as evidenced by the standardized test scores, statement of purpose, and letters of recommendation). Programs with space and funding limitations are naturally competitive regarding admission, and additional information may be found on the individual graduate program websites.

Once review of the application file is completed, the Graduate Program Director renders a recommendation on admission (admit or deny). Final review of the application file is done in the Graduate School with the official offer of admission made by the Associate Dean for Admissions and Enrollment Management.